National Interschools & Sport Development Committee


National Interschools & Sport Development Committee Overview

The current membership of National Interschools & Sport Development Committee (NISDC) comprises the following individuals:

Steve Cooper (Chair)   Snow Australia Board member - Northern Interschools Snowsports Advisory Group Chair
Daniel Bosco Snow Australia - Board Chair
Donna Baker Education (NSW)
John Dyson Victorian Interschools Snowsports Advisory Group -  Chair
Helen Hatherly Education and Multiclass Sports Association
Steve Nelson Snow Australia - General Manager Participation & Sport Development
Jonathan Mandl Community (ACT)
David de Lacy Education (SA) - President SASKI
Rebecca Clark Community Engagement Manager
Wendy Olsen National Event Coordinator
Sami Kennedy-Sim National Pathway & Sport Development Coordinator
David Speirs VIC Interschools - Event Manager
Damian Von Demleux Snow Australia - Regional Management Committee Chair


National Interschools & Sport Development Committee is also supported by Snow Australia Staff:

Michael Kennedy Snow Australia - CEO
Johnny Lipzker Sports Development Officer