School Coordinator Webinar Recordings and Slides

Published Tue 14 May 2024

School Coordinators Webinars were held on May 14 to overview the role and responsibilities of a school coordinator, how to complete your school entries, overview what to expect this year, overview important event rules, and 2024 initiatives. 


New School Coordinators

The webinar for new school coordinators, either taking over the role in 2024 or representing a new school participating in Interschools for the first time this season., overviewed:

  • How to complete your entries in the Interschools Online Entry System
  • School Coordinator responsibilities
  • Team Manager responsibilities
  • Volunteer registration, roles, and training 
  • Ticketing at events
  • What to expect at an Interschools event
  • Important Interschools rules

Download the Webinar Slides

Webinar Recording 



Returning School Coordinators

The webinar for returning coordinators, already familiar with how to complete entries and the responsibilities of the role focused on what to expect at the 2024 Interschools events and rule changes.

Download the Webinar Slides

Webinar Recording
